Legal Information
New Zealand's laws are found through many sources such as websites, books, statutes (legislation), case law, brochures, and helplines.
We receive many queries in search of “quick answers” or simple law related information. The law is seldom “black and white” and finding an answer often requires searching through mountains of information.
To assist you, we have compiled a list of sources related to common queries. The sources are not exhaustive, and nor should it be relied upon as legal advice. If you are unable to find what you are looking for or would like to receive legal advice please contact us to see if we can help.
Legal information is a powerful tool that can help you advocate for yourself or someone else.
The national Community Law movement create and share many practical legal resources.
The resources are hosted on the national website which receives over 4000 hits per day.
If you are looking for a comprehensive and practical source of legal information you are bound to find it on this website. The resources include books and guides, templates, education tool kits, and more.
The Community Law Manual is one of the most popular resources. The manual is an easy to understand guide that covers legal topics A to Z.
If you want to find out if your broken tooth is covered after accidently biting into a foreign object or, your legal rights when your neighbour decides to erect a new fence, then this will be your golden source.
The manual is updated yearly, and is available electronically and in hard copy.
YouthLaw Aotearoa is a free community law centre for children and young people nationwide. Youth Law provide free legal services to anyone aged under 25 who are unable to access legal help elsewhere, or those acting on their behalf.

0800 884 529
Advice Line Opening Hours:
Monday – Friday
10am – 4pm
Te Ara Ture
- a bridge to law
Te Ara Ture connects New Zealand charities to free and low-cost help.
Having good legal help lets charities focus on doing great work.
Te Ara Ture can help with:
Charity rules
Employees, members, volunteers and governance
Funding and property agreements
Insurance, compliance and risk
Disputes and conflict
Law reform, policy and government advocacy.
MSD & the law
The law can be difficult to understand at times. We have been working hard to translate some legal information into easier to read and understand booklets for you to download for free.