"Thank you Community Law Waikato and thank you to the lawyer who helped me. I could not have gotten through my case without your strong support and help. I will be forever grateful to you!"
- Client Feedback
Volunteer caseworkers and lawyers are an integral part of the daily beehive of activity.
Volunteer contribution is crucial in the operation of our clinics and our ability to serve our communities.

Volunteer caseworkers are an integral part of the daily beehive of activity. They are often the first and only face-to-face contact for people seeking help.
Caseworkers’ core duty revolves around client interviewing including relaying legal advice from a lawyer to a client. It involves careful analysis of legal facts and issues and the ability to communicate effectively with clients from a range of backgrounds and cultures.
As a caseworker at Community Law you will have an opportunity to build a valuable network of contacts and colleagues before you begin your career as a lawyer. Additionally, because the areas of law that our clients need support with is very broad you will gain valuable insight and experience.
Community Law Waikato - Te Tari Ture ā-Hapori o Waikato, is a registered partner of the Employability Plus Programme (EPP) through the University of Waikato. To find out more https://www.waikato.ac.nz/student-life/student-services/employability-plus-programme/
It is simple to join our team of volunteers. Simply register your application in the link below. Applicants must be 1st, 2nd or 3rd year law students with good communication skills.
Volunteer lawyers who provide legal advice at our evening clinics. Their contribution is crucial in the operation of our clinics and our ability to serve our communities.
The team of volunteer lawyers consist of local practitioners who bring a wealth of practical knowledge and experience. This ensures that our services cater for the extensive range of legal queries.
We usually have between 20 and 30 lawyers in total working alongside our caseworkers. Each lawyer will usually rotate once every 4-6 weeks during an evening clinic.
Lawyers enjoy the opportunity to mentor future lawyers and the obvious opportunity to improve access to justice for all those in Aotearoa.
To register as a volunteer lawyer please follow the 'Apply to join our team' link.
Community Law Waikato is a registered charitable trust (CC36092) and we gratefully receive donations.
You can make a donation by visiting your local Westpac branch or by internet banking. Our account details are:
Community Law Waikato,
03 0318 0700015 00
Please use your name and ‘donation’ as the reference
We provide receipts for donations over $5 as they are tax deductible. To receive a receipt please contact us at admin@clwaikato.org.nz
Our Supporters