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Reform of the Residential Tenancies Act 1986

The reforms:*improve tenants’ security and stability while protecting landlords’ interests*ensure the law appropriately balances the rights and responsibilities of tenants and landlords and helps renters feel at home*modernise the legislation so it can respond to the changing trends in the rental market.The reform of the Act ensures the law governing New Zealand's rental market strikes an appropriate balance between:*protecting a landlord’s interest in their property, and*ensuring tenants ...

February 19, 2020

What do you think about the criminal justice system?

Share your opinion on the criminal justice system.Click on the link below to share your thoughts.

November 21, 2019

Chief District Court Judge Appointment

His Honour Judge Heemi Taumaunu’s appointment as Chief District Court Judge comes at a critical time for New Zealand’s justice system, according to Community Law Centres o Aotearoa(CLCA). “We welcome this appointment at a time when improved access to justice is desperately needed,” says CLCA CEO, Sue Moroney. “His Honour Judge Taumaunu brings his Maori heritage and diverse experience to the role and we look forward to the improvements that can bring for access to justice.” Community...

September 27, 2019

30 Minute Will discussion with Tompkins Wake

Tompkins Wake is offering a free no-obligation 30-minute Will discussion during the month of September. To arrange this, contact Scott Ratuki via or 07 838 6002. Or try out Tompkins Wake’s new ‘Create your free Will’ web tool. Just go to any time and start entering your details and it will generate a printable legal Will. Get this signed and witnessed, and you can then lodge it with the lawyer of your choice, there is...

September 4, 2019

Protection Against Loan Sharks

“We know that many consumers are trapped in a cycle of debt, causing extreme hardship – and often, intergenerational poverty – for them and their families. This is an unacceptable situation and the Government is taking action to address it,” said the Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Kris Faafoi. “The Credit Contracts Legislation Amendment Bill currently going through Parliament contains new measures that will ensure people taking out high-cost loans never have to pay back more...

September 4, 2019

Protection for Tenants

New law changes protects tenants living in converted garages, sleep-outs, warehouses and industrial buildings.  This means the Landlord must make sure these buildings can legally be lived in and follow with the law regarding insulation and heating.Other law changes include if tenants damage a rental property as a result of careless behaviour, they will be liable for the cost of the damage up to a maximum of four weeks’ rent or the landlord’s insurance excess, whichever is lower.If you a...

August 27, 2019

Privacy Law Changes

Get ready for upcoming privacy law changes. The Privacy Bill is making its way through Parliament and will most likely become law before the end of 2019. Changes to the Privacy Act are coming. Follow the link below to know more about what to do if you collect, store or use personal information about your employees and/or customers.

August 23, 2019

Debt Collection

If your bills or loans are not paid on time, the business you borrowed money from or bought goods or services from might ask a debt collector to collect the money from you. Where can I find help? Get free budgeting advice from community agencies such as Money Talks or your local budgeting adviser.If you need legal advice, contact Community Law Waikato on 0800 529482 or ...

July 3, 2019

NZ Law changes from 1 July 2019

- More protections from family violence- Changes to Oranga Tamariki Leglislation and - Establishment of a new Transitional Support Service- No more single-use plastic bags- All Kiwi rentals should be well insulated- 17-year-olds will be included in the youth justice systemThese law changes are among the many taking place from July 1 2019. To read more, click on the list below.

July 1, 2019

Better Funding Needed for Community Law

Today’s Post-Budget announcement extending last year’s interim funding boost to Community Law services is the second step in honouring the Coalition Government Agreement to increase funding to Community Law. “The final step is yet to come,” says Community Law Centres o Aotearoa CEO, Sue Moroney.The additional $2.18m was put in place as an interim funding boost last year, while Community Law worked through a funding review with the Ministry of Justice to identify the proposals that would ...

June 27, 2019

Protect your privacy as a tenant


June 26, 2019

Community Law Welcomes Beneficiary Rights Protection

Mothers on Sole Parent Support who sought legal advice from Community Law on their rights when they were investigated for relationship fraud have today been backed by the Privacy Commissioner, forcing MSD to change its policies.Open the document below to learn more....

May 16, 2019

Lawyers' Special Fund Pays Out $14 Million to Community Law Centres

Justice Minister Andrew Little has revealed that the Lawyers and Conveyancers Special Fund provided the 24 nation's Community Law Centres (CLCs) with $14.44 million between 1 November 2017 and 28 February 2019.Please click on the link below to read more.$14-million-to-community-law-centres...

April 24, 2019

Rentbot - free help with tenancy law

Rentbot is a FREE digital assistant to answer questions about renting, and the rights and responsibilities of tenants and landlords.  It can be accessed for FREE via Facebook Messenger:

December 10, 2018

New CLC head says funding still inadequate

It’s a new era for Community Law Centres o Aotearoa with a funding boost in the new Government’s first budget and a new head, the ex Labour MP Sue Moroney.Ms Moroney says the amount of money they need in order to provide a really valuable service is double what they do receive, which is currently about $11 million annually. That would enable the centres to reach a lot more people who need legal assistance.To read more click on the link below.

August 3, 2018

Sue Moroney New Community Law Centres CEO

05 June 2018 Sue Moroney has started work as the new Chief Executive Officer of Community Law Centres o Aotearoa. Ms Moroney replaces the inaugural CEO of the national community law organisation, Liz Tennet.Sue Moroney was a Labour MP from 2005 until 2017, and she has been a prominent campaigner for Pay Equity and against Early Childhood Education funding cuts.

June 5, 2018

More people to gain legal help as Community Law Centres get funding boost

The head of the Community Law Centres says the “surprising” 20% boost provided in the Budget will make up for a decade-long deficit and enable the centres to reach thousands more people each year. The increase to the CLCs amounts to $2.2 million extra operating funding in 2018/19.Community Law’s Chief Executive Liz Tennet says the amount is exactly what they asked for, but they did not expect to get it all.To read more click on the link below...

May 17, 2018 Posts 26-42 of 42 | Page prev